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Quality Control At Yveelt Medical

Building a competitive advantage through quality control

How Yveelt Medical's Power Wheelchair Checks Stand Out?

  1. Careful Checking at Every Step: At Yveelt Medical, we make sure every part of our power wheelchairs is perfect. From the moment we get our materials to the final wheelchair that rolls out, we check everything. We do lots of tests and inspections to make sure everything is just right. 

  2. Skilled Professionals Behind Every Wheelchair: Our team is the backbone of Yveelt Medical. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in crafting quality power wheelchairs. Using modern techniques and tools, they ensure that every wheelchair meets high standards of quality and reliability. As our products evolve to include more advanced features, our team’s expertise becomes even more crucial. They are dedicated professionals, committed to making wheelchairs that are not only functional but also safe and comfortable for our users.

  3. Checks for Every Production Stage: To make sure our wheelchairs are top-quality from beginning to end, we at Yveelt Medical do the following:

    • We check all our materials carefully when they arrive.
    • We review the design of every wheelchair to make sure it’s the best it can be.
    • We check everything again when we start making each wheelchair.
    • And we do one final inspection on each wheelchair before it’s finished.

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ISO Certification: Yveelt Medical's Commitment to Quality and Customer Trust

Yveelt Medical is proud to have ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 certifications, plus the CE certification. These certifications mean our power wheelchairs are top-quality, safe, and reliable.

ISO 9001:2015 shows we have strong quality management. ISO 13485:2016 is specific to medical devices, ensuring they’re safe and effective. The CE mark proves our wheelchairs meet European safety standards.

These certifications are our promise of excellence and trust in our wheelchairs, making sure you get the best.

Quality standard specifically for medical device industry, focusing on safety and efficiency.

Framework for effective quality management systems, ensuring consistency and improvement.

We got this European certification confirming that our products meet EU safety, health standards.


Yveelt Medical

ISO 13485: 2016

Partnering with a Certified Manufacturer

Choosing a partner with ISO 13485:2016 certification means selecting a provider that values quality as much as you do. As a B2B client, working with us ensures that your supply chain is robust, reliable, and compliant with international standards.

  • Assured Quality Supply: Partnering with us guarantees a supply of power wheelchairs that are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
  • Regulatory Confidence: Our certification provides assurance that our products will meet the regulatory requirements in your region.
  • Competitive Advantage: By offering ISO 13485:2016 certified products, we give our B2B clients a competitive advantage in their markets.
ISO13485 Cerficates

Yveelt Medical

ISO 9001: 2015

ISO9001 of Yveelt Medical 2023

Building Trust with ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Our ISO 9001:2015 certification is not just a formal accolade; it is the foundation of trust between us and our B2B clients. It assures that we have robust, clearly defined procedures in all our operations, from R&D to after-sales services.

  • Proven Operational Efficiency: Certification demonstrates our proven operational efficiency and commitment to quality.
  • Risk Management: ISO 9001:2015 includes proactive risk management, ensuring the stability of our products and services.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Our compliance with these standards enhances our credibility and reputation in the market.

Yveelt Medical

CE Certification

What the CE Cetification Means for Our Products

The CE mark is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA). It represents compliance with EU safety, health, and environmental protection directives. [Your Company Name] takes pride in ensuring that our power wheelchairs carry the CE mark, signifying that they meet all the requirements of European legislation.

  • EU Safety Compliance: The CE mark on our wheelchairs signifies adherence to EU safety regulations.
  • Health and Environmental Standards: We commit to upholding the health and environmental standards set by the EU.
  • Market Access: The CE certification allows our power wheelchairs access to the European market.

Yveelt Medical

More Certifications

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