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Travel Electric Wheelchair

At Yveelt Medical, we understand that utility, convenience and reliability are key for buyers looking for travel electric wheelchairs. Our line of travel power wheelchairs has the perfect blend of these elements to meet your business needs.

Our travel power wheelchairs are designed with the spirit of adventure in mind. These wheelchairs are lightweight and portable, such as the ET500 power wheelchair that folds easily for compact storage and the ET300 series power wheelchairs that fold easily for easy transportation. These features ensure that your customers can enjoy their trip without worrying about the portability of their wheelchair.

In addition to portability, comfort and style are not compromised. For example, the ET500 is made of aluminum alloy frame, which is strong and lightweight, making it an excellent travel companion.

We also understand that your business clients may have different preferences. As a result, our wheelchairs offer a variety of customization options. It also has optional battery capacity, with our standard version of the lithium battery allowing users to travel up to 15 kilometers on a single charge. And our wheelchairs are designed to be easy to maneuver, ensuring that customers can easily navigate the streets, malls, and elevators.

In short, we are committed to providing mobility solutions that meet the real needs of our customers. Our travel power wheelchairs are more than just products; they are your clients’ gateway to freedom and adventure.


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