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Light Weight Electric Wheelchair

Are you a mobility dealer, rehab center, distributor,wholesaler or retailer looking to grow your lightweight electric wheelchair offerings? Are bulkier electric wheelchairs not meeting your customers’ portability needs? Want to tap into the expanding wheelchair market? If so, now is the time to add lightweight power wheelchairs to your product lineup!

Lightweight electric wheelchairs are compact, portable mobility aids that enhance freedom and mobility anywhere. Great for supermarkets, parks, travel and more, they provide excellent accessibility on the go.

Various models are available to suit different preferences and needs. Some fold or take apart for easy storage and transport. Others have higher performance and weight capacities for all-terrain maneuverability.

Typically controlled by joysticks or mouse controllers, lightweight power chairs are ideal for those with limited arm strength. Users simply push the controller to navigate smoothly. Releasing the controller automatically brakes.

With narrow wheelbases and turning circles, lightweight electric wheelchairs deliver great indoor mobility. Even in tight spaces near furniture, they turn easily.

Grow your offerings with lightweight electric wheelchairs. Browse our models below. We also provide ODM/OEM customization to expand your product mix and market reach. Contact us to drive accessibility and new business opportunities!


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Selecting a Lightweight Electric Wheelchair

Choosing the perfect lightweight electric wheelchair goes beyond just specifications; it’s a key to improved mobility and a better quality of life. At Yveelt Medical, we understand the diverse needs of both business buyers and individual customers. By focusing on factors such as weight capacity, battery life, comfort, and ease of maneuverability, we aim to elevate your daily experiences into empowering journeys of independence. Whether you’re a business looking for bulk purchases or an individual buyer, our range of electric wheelchairs is designed to cater to a wide audience, ensuring everyone finds the perfect solution for enhanced mobility and a more fulfilling life.

Weight capacity

Check the weight capacity before you pick your electric wheelchair. Yveelt Medical offers chairs that handle anywhere from 35 to 100 lbs. This means they fit a wide range of users safely and comfortably.

It’s key to choose a power wheelchair that can support your body weight without strain.

Think about where you’ll go in your chair and how it needs to move with you. The next step is finding one that’s easy to carry and fits into daily life – let’s talk about portability.


When choosing an electric wheelchair, consider how much weight it can hold. Also, think about whether you can easily take it with you. If you travel a lot or need to move your chair around, portability is key.

good portable wheelchair folds up fast and fits in the trunk of a car without trouble. Search for ones that are light enough to pick up easily.

The power wheelchairs we offer are made to be easy to carry around. Some types can even go on planes without issues. They come with batteries that meet airline rules, making flying smoother.

With these chairs, being on the move won’t keep you from exploring or doing everyday tasks.

Battery life and charging

Battery life is key for staying on the move with your electric wheelchair. Yveelt Medical wheelchairs have a range of 7.5 to 12 miles per charge, so you can travel far without worry.

Long-lasting batteries mean fewer stops to recharge and more freedom for you.

Charging your wheelchair should be easy and convenient. All our models feature simple charging processes that will get you back in action quickly.

Comfort and support

Look at the padding and cushions on electric wheelchairs to make sure they are super comfy. Pick a chair that you can sit in without hurting for a long time. Go for chairs with parts you can adjust, like where you rest your arms and your head.

They should fit your body perfectly so you don’t get achy after sitting awhile.

Choose chairs with fabric that lets air through to stay cool, even when it’s hot out. A well-made wheelchair will have strong support in its frame too. That means it doesn’t wobble much and stays steady when turning or rolling over rough spots.

Your back will feel better because of it!

Maneuverability and turning radius

Comfort and support help you stay relaxed, but how well your wheelchair maneuvers is crucial for easy movement. Lightweight power wheelchairs like ours are great at this. With a compact turning radius of 60 cm, you can make sharp turns and navigate busy areas with ease.

Imagine moving quickly through narrow hallways and turning corners with a simple push of the joystick. The smart design makes it all possible.

Nobody likes to get stuck, but with the amazing maneuverability of our chairs, you won’t. You can easily glide between pieces of furniture around the house or down narrow aisles in a store.

The ability to turn effortlessly puts less strain on your hands, making every trip more comfortable. Our power wheelchairs allow you to steer precisely where you want to go.

Our Lightweight Electric Wheelchair Options

We offers a range of lightweight electric wheelchairs that combine innovation and customization for a comfortable and personalized mobility experience.

Our models feature cutting-edge technology and are designed to navigate the world with ease.

Features and specifications

Our lightweight electric wheelchairs are designed with your business needs in mind. Key features include:

  • They can hold between 220 to 260 pounds.
  • They can go as fast as 6km per hour.
  • Long-lasting batteries to minimize downtime during shifts.
  • Fully adjustable seats for client comfort and positioning.
  • Compact turning radius to navigate tight spaces with ease.
  • Models optimized for indoor, outdoor, and rough terrain use.
  • Customizable seat widths perfectly fitted to individual clients.

Every wheelchair is made with smart ideas built-in. . With speed, range, and durability built-in, our chairs deliver reliable performance in any work environment.

Customization options

We offer customization so that wheelchair suits your business requirements. Choose ideal options for workplace or community mobility. Add Bluetooth, remote control, and other tech features per your needs.

Our streamlined process makes it simple to order customized chairs tailored to your specifications. We work closely with you to understand your needs and design the perfect wheelchairs. Select preferred colors, seats, accessories and more based on your goals.

We focus on providing customized chairs that maximize productivity and reliability for your organization. Our flexible manufacturing enables us to produce wheelchairs with the exact features you want.

Warranty and maintenance services

Along with customization, we provide warranty and maintenance services to protect your wheelchair investment. A strong warranty comes standard, covering defects and issues that may arise. If you have any problem about wheelchairs, we offer quick response, just request assistance via email or call for expedited service. Our technicians will promptly provide support.

Benefits of Choosing a Lightweight Electric Wheelchair

Our lightweight electric wheelchairs deliver transformative mobility solutions optimized for business settings. Discover the key advantages:

Increased Productivity and Independence

Electric wheelchairs empower smooth, effortless mobility compared to manual chairs. People can move independently with just a joystick, increasing productivity. Mobility is no longer limited, enabling participation in more workplace activities.

Convenience and Comfort

Our chairs provide exceptional convenience ideal for most of place duites. Foldable, lightweight designs enable easy transport between sites. Ergonomic, adjustable seating ensures comfort during long shifts. Simple controls facilitate maneuverability in tight spaces.

Versatility Across Environments

We engineer our electric wheelchairs for both indoor and outdoor use. Durable constructions withstand tough conditions. Long battery life enables all-day operation. Compact turning radius navigates crowded interiors with ease. You get one solution for diverse business mobility needs.

Maximum Reliability

We build commercial-grade reliability into every wheelchair. Durable frames and motors withstand constant daily use. Rigorous testing ensures consistent performance in any environment. Minimal maintenance keeps chairs running smoothly and downtime low. You can trust our chairs on the job.

Superior Quality and Reliability

Our electric wheelchairs meet the highest standards for quality and reliability. Our factory is ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified, adhering to strict international protocols.

We use only premium materials and components. Extensive testing ensures maximum durability and performance in real-world conditions.

Our wheelchairs are engineered to minimize maintenance needs and prevent unexpected issues. You can trust them to deliver safe, dependable mobility every time.

Cost-Efficient Investment

Our lightweight electric wheelchairs deliver premium quality at affordable pricing, starting at $300. We focus on value, maximizing reliability and durability without driving costs up. Bulk discounts available. The result is an electric wheelchair that provides excellent return on investment.

Contact Us for More Information and Ordering

Ready to boost your freedom with a lightweight electric wheelchair? Get in touch with Yveelt Medical today! We’re here to help you find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Shoot us a text, give us a call, or drop by – let’s get you moving with confidence and comfort.

Your new set of wheels awaits!

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